Cyber Up Ducks


The CUD DAO is dedicated to reviving dead or rugged NFT collections and bringing them back to life. We believe that community building is the key to success, and we strive to create compelling narratives, offer unique products and services, and engage with the community in meaningful ways. By creating an engaging and rewarding experience for the creators and holders, we strive to increase the value of selected NFT collections, generate profit for those involved, and create a thriving and vibrant community. With a solid plan, achievable goals, and a long-term vision, we are committed to nurturing and growing the number of the collections revived over time and creating a positive impact on the NFT ecosystem.


We have a unique approach to the entertainment and fashion industry. Coupled with a strong focus on community engagement, will allow us to make a significant impact. As the project progresses, it will be exciting to see how the community comes together to shape the future of CUD and bring their collective vision to fruition.
